So a while back...a long while back, Boyd and I took our first summer trip to Galveston. It was the weekend of May 19th. The weekend right after finals. It had potential. It was important because I thought "exactly one year from today law school will be DONE and I will be graduating!!!" So we watched the news all week, the weather man promised sun by noon on Saturday so we were going to the BEACH. We woke up about 8AM on Saturday and were greeted with a mist fallling from the sky...A MIST!!!!!!!! I checked the website it said the temperature was 75 and sunny, PERFECT. So we set out. The whole way to Galveston I kept saying to Boyd: "It will clear off any second now...we will see the edge of the clouds." Well, it didn't and we didn't. I was resolute, I wanted to go to the beach. So to the beach we went. (Boyd suggested a movie or maybe some putt-putt, but I wouldn't consider it. Pretty much I thought that by sitting on the beach in my polka-dotted swimsuit that the sun wouldn't be able to resist...I was mostly wrong about that.) So we set up shop on the Pocket Park Beach. Man, it was windy and the water was cold. We decided to walk up and down the beach to keep warm. The shelling was excellent and every now and then there would be a warmer wave. Before long, I had to pee. Well, over the years this Pocket Park Beach has gone down hill in the bathroom department (we all know how I feel about those situations), so there were only porta-potties that worked. Well, I hunted down a fresher looking one out of the bunch and took care of business as quickly as possible without touching anything! It was still gross.
By this time it was noon and no sign of the sun. The website had lied to me...LIED. I was still insisting that the sun would appear. So we had our tuna fish with apples sandwiches and took naps. I was shivering because it was so cold and windy, but then i saw it the sun trying to burn through the clouds. I could slightly feel its warmth on my body, for 20 glorious minutes there was SUN. Then, more clouds and wind! Boyd had enough and so he convinced me to pack up, check into the hotel and then see about some putt putt. Well, by the time we got to the putt-putt place, it was bright and sunny; we're talkin' like not a cloud in the sky!!!! Of course, the Murphy luck strikes again. On the upside, I did beat Boyd pretty badly at putt-putt!!!!! HEH HEH HEH!
When we got back to the hotel I looked in the mirror and I was RED!!!! RED as a lobster. It didn't feel like a sunburn, do you know what it was...WINDBURN!!!! WIND!!! I shivered all day and the WIND had burned me. Well, with my ugly red face, Boyd still took me to dinner at Landrys!
AH, Landrys! It was probably the best meal at a restaurant we had in a long time. Our waiter was attentive but not oppressive. He even got us our Banana's Foster Dessert to go, because we were so full. (And he told Boyd that I was beautiful and to take good care of me! He wanted that tip really bad, but I'll take the compliment anyway!)
We went back to our hotel and ate dessert outside on our balcony overlooking the gulf, then passed out. The next morning it was a beautiful sunny day! OF COURSE!!! So, we went to east beach determined to spend some time in the sun and it was fun!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! I got the beach day that I wanted, albiet covered up so my windburn wouldn't get raw!
3 days ago
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