So it is official! I am Kacie Marie Murphy, J.D. Granted I still need to pass the Texas Bar Exam (yikes), but nothing can take away the fact that I am now the proud owner of a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree! That seems so crazy! The last three years have been the most difficult and rewarding years of my life so far. I am so thankful to have Boyd on my side or I never would have made it. He has been the most amazing husband. He even helps me study for my exams by going through my flash cards with me and not letting me get too upset when I feel like I am missing too many. On Wednesday May 13 I finished my last law school final ever! After the end of the last law school exam it is tradition for South Texas College of Law students to ring the bell and have champagne. No one can ring the bell until 9 PM because it is so loud and it may disturb the students who are still taking their exams. The goal is to make the bell ring only once because the story is that the number of times it rings equals the number of times it will take to pass the exam. I only made it ring once, so that bodes well for me! Boyd was there with me and it was a very happy time.

After the Ringing!
Even though finals were over, we had to wait until the end of May for Graduation! It was a fun day! Though, the speaker left something to be desired, I did get my doctoral hood and I was able to be hooded by one of my favorite professors--Professor Yamamoto--a tax professor! I did manage to get through the whole thing without crying! Hopefully I will get more pictures from family members soon, but for now this is what I have!

Dr. Murphy!