For the few people who read this, my apologies for not writing since September! This second-to-last semester of law school has been determined to monopolize all of my time. One class in particular has been very time consuming. I spend roughly 20 hours a week on my Gift and Estate Tax class. That class is worth only 3 of the 16 hours that I am taking this semester. Add to that the fact that I am still working for the Judge on Monday and Friday mornings, my law review editorial board duties, and the fact that I try to make some quality time for Boyd as often as I can, and that I am trying to find a post-graduation/bar exam job and you have one very stressed and busy lady.
Now finals are coming up, which means I either give myself up to procrastination or I study for hours on end before dissolving into tears because I think I am going to fail whatever class it is that I happen to be studying for. Yes, the good news is that I have not yet failed any class. But because I am a pessimist, I tend to think that just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't.
I plan on posting tomorrow so that I can talk about a new pet peeve that seems to be showing up and following me around where ever I go: People who are not nice to waiters/waitresses and who think that they are so cool/nice/better than you.
6 days ago